The manufacture and sales of felt-tip pen, marking nib, cosmetic nib.
AuBEX is, have always tireless passion for manufacturing, it will continue to support the future of life.


Since its inception in 1892, there were various changes in the business environment surrounding the Company in the Company Background of more than 120 years.
The company funded in Meiji era as a hat manufacturer contributed a lot to modernization and rapid industrial growth of Japan but it has changed into pen nib manufacturer with utilizing the hat material; felt to overcome the new fashion trend of waring no hat after the war in Showa era. And it turned into a pen nib manufacturer and now got a high profile in the world.
Currently the AuBEX has the world's highest level of technology in the microfluidic control technology and precision grinding technology, and has expanded business area into medical field, cosmetic field and IT field.
In 2016 to aggregate the technical development department that had been scattered, we have established the Chiba New Tech Center as a new research and development center.
Regardless of the company's products and technologies, if you have any consultations aimed at solving the problem, please feel free to contact us.

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